
About Befriend
This program helps participants develop and practice social skills and communication. BeFriend provides opportunities to build positive peer relationships where self-esteem and confidence can flourish. Many youth with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder struggle when interacting and socializing with peers. In general, the ability to understand social interactions, read facial expressions, perceive and express emotions, and interpret subtle phrases, is acquired intuitively at an early age. Those with learning disabilities, however, may need extra help in both developing and understanding these social skills. As they learn, they also need a safe and supportive place where they can practice these skills!
Program Topics
The topics covered during each session include:
Week 1:
Welcome to Friendship Club and Understanding Friendships.
Week 2:
Welcome to Friendship Club and Understanding Friendships.
Week 3:
Active Listening and Problem Solving.
Week 4:
Emotional Awareness: Dealing with Anger & Stress.
Week 5:
Dealing with Bullying, Self-esteem & Self-confidence, topics may vary depending on the needs of the group.
Week 6:
Compromising, Making Plans & Maintaining Friendships.
Program Goals
- Help participants develop social skills, life skills, and problem-solving strategies, including conversational skills and necessary interaction skills.
- Allow participants to use skills in a variety of activities, such as group discussion, cooperative games, role-playing, art projects, and more!
- Help participants improve communication through eye contact, tone of voice, body language, active listening and problem-solving.
- Assist participants in developing an awareness of their individual styles of interacting with confidence and improved self-esteem.
Children ages 14 -18 with Learning Disabilities and/or AD(H)D who are having difficulties interacting and socializing with peers.
Groups will be confirmed after an intake interview is conducted.

North York
121 Willowdale Avenue
This program does not take the place of therapy.
Space is limited per session.
Fees per 6-week session. Fees may differ for locations where longer session periods are accommodated. Please be sure to note changes in fees as listed on the “Details and Registration” page for each site.
Please note, due to enrollment requirements, program availability is subject to change. Fees are non-refundable. No make-up classes are available.
For questions regarding program registration, dates, times, payments or all other inquiries, please contact programs@ldatd.on.ca.