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Yoga & Mindfulness

About Yoga & Mindfulness

Yoga & Mindfulness for Parents is a program created for caregivers of children and youth with learning disabilities and or AD(H)D. We explore mindfulness through breath, bodywork, guided mediation and expression.

Why a Parent Group?

  • Parents are children’s “first” and most significant teachers.
  • Parent Group enhances a child’s social-emotional growth because it teaches their parents.
  • (“first teachers”) specific social and emotional knowledge and skills. The result is children with increased positivity, confidence, and peer and academic success.
  • Mindfulness training has shown to improve attention, focus, memory, self-understanding and self-acceptance. In addition, mindfulness helps to alleviate anxiety by focusing on the present rather than worrying about the future (Hooker & Fodor, 2008).

Program Goals

  • Increase participants understanding of what mindfulness is.
  • Teach breathing exercises.
  • Offer guided visualizations, group discussions and interactive activities.
  • Teach participants how to focus on the present.
  • Increase participants’ awareness of their thoughts, feelings and environment.

Session Topics

Week 1:

Introduction to Mindfulness

Week 2:

Mindful Thoughts

Week 3:


Week 4:

Awareness of the Senses & Mindful Eating

Week 5:

Mindful Emotions

Week 6:

Review & Continuation of Mindfulness


Parents or families with children experiencing learning challenges and/or attention difficulties.


North York

121 Willowdale Avenue.


For questions regarding program registration, dates, times, payments or all other inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto