Yoga & Mindfulness

About Yoga & Mindfulness
Yoga & Mindfulness for Kids is a specialized program to teach children about mindfulness and why it can be beneficial to practice. Participants will learn ways to help them be aware and focus on the present through breathing exercises, guided visualizations and interactive activities. This program is for Children ages 8 – 12 years old.
Program Goals
- Increase participants understanding of what mindfulness is.
- Teach breathing exercises.
- Offer guided visualizations, group discussions and interactive activities.
- Teach participants how to focus on the present.
- Increase participants’ awareness of their thoughts, feelings and environment.
Why practice Mindfulness?
- For many children with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder, focusing and being present in the moment can present an ongoing struggle.
- Mindfulness training has shown to improve attention, focus, memory, self-understanding and self-acceptance. In addition, mindfulness helps to alleviate anxiety by focusing on the present rather than worrying about the future (Hooker & Fodor, 2008).
Session Topics
Week 1:
Introduction to Mindfulness
Week 2:
Awareness of the Senses & Mindful Eating
Week 3:
Mindful Thoughts
Week 4:
Mindful Emotions
Week 5:
Week 6:
Review & Continuation of Mindfulness

North York
121 Willowdale Avenue
For questions regarding program registration, dates, times, payments or all other inquiries, please contact [email protected].