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March Break Keyboarding For Kids

**COVID-19: Please note that in-person program sessions have been put on pause in response to COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions.

About Keyboarding

Our week-long Keyboarding camp during the March break will provide a comfortable and receptive environment where children can acquire typing skills.

Why should children learn how to type?

  • Keyboarding is becoming a standard skill that is used regularly.
  • Being familiar and comfortable with typing can aid with concentration, reduce the stresses associated with school work and assist the child in recognizing and identifying their accomplishments.
  • Typing helps students with learning disabilities who have difficulties with fine-motor, visual-motor and visual-spatial tasks.

Program Goals

Have trained leaders who will guide children with sensitivity to their individual needs

Teach typing techniques, posture, accuracy and speed

Teaching through straightforward directions and systematic, clear feedback about performance

Introduce students beneficial online games

Use software that engages the student and reinforces continued practice

Provide creative and fun activities to reinforce learning

Consideration of learning styles and accommodations to obtain successful skills

Offer a “go at your own pace” opportunity to learn keyboarding techniques


Children ages 7 – 14 years old who:

  • Have a learning disability and/or AD(H)D and wish to improve their typing skills.
  • Do not have an LD but would like to improve their typing skills.


North York

121 Willowdale Avenue

Early Bird Prices


Space is limited to 10 children per group.
Fees is for 1 week of camp.
Please note parents have the option of early drop off (8:30 am) and late pick up (5:00 pm) for $10.00 per day, per child. If you are interested in this option please contact us at 416-229-1680 or [email protected]
Please note, due to enrollment requirements, program availability is subject to change. Fees are non-refundable. No make-up classes available.
Space is limited to 10 children. Payment is required to hold your spot.

Regular Fees


Space is limited to 10 children per group.
Fees is for 1 week of camp.
Please note parents have the option of early drop off (8:30 am) and late pick up (5:00 pm) for $10.00 per day, per child. If you are interested in this option please contact us at 416-229-1680 or [email protected]
Please note, due to enrollment requirements, program availability is subject to change. Fees are non-refundable. No make-up classes available.
Space is limited to 10 children. Payment is required to hold your spot.

Parent Testimonial

“My daughter took the keyboarding class this winter. Both of her instructors immediately realized she was an auditory learner and responded accordingly. Her instructors gave me regular feedback on her progress and also provided suggestions on activities she could do at home to further practice her newly developing skills.”

– Shelly


For questions regarding program registration, dates, times, payments or all other inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Register for this Program
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto