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EmployABILITY Programs

About EmployABILITY

EmployABILITY reaches and empowers individuals to succeed by delivering highly professional, innovative and beneficial learning experiences on employment, self-employment, career and professional growth, and progress. We guide, teach, train, coach, and empower our clients to become EmployABLE, regardless of their abilities.

EmployABILITY is staffed by Certified Life Skills Counsellors, Sociologist/Psychologist, Career Coaches, Employment Consultants and Engagement Specialists, Social Service Workers, Certified PLAR/RPL Practitioners and Portfolio Advisers, and Accreditation Specialists. Collectively.

Program Goals

EmployABILITY supports our clients in achieving the following goals:

  • Job Skills Training.
  • Interview Coaching.
  • Building Confidence.
  • Enhancing Your Skills.


EmployABILITY programs will support recipients of Ontario Assistance:

  • Canadian Citizens.
  • Permanent Residents.
  • Refugees.
  • Internationally educated professionals.
  • Trades indviduals.
  • All legally entitled to work.

Client Testimonial

“The support, information and knowledge exchange exercises that were conducted through series of interactive workshops in group settings, as well as in an individual, custom-tailored interventions are the most valuable experience in labour market preparation that I needed and obtained from the program. As a result, I was able to define my realistic goals and relevant action plans measured by tangible achievements for the career alternatives, and with well-developed targeted resume and portfolio I received a job offer in the industry I always wanted to be.”


For questions regarding program registration, dates, times, payments or all other inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto