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Adult Support Group

About Adult Support Groups

Are you having difficulties living with your Learning Disability? Do you find it hard to apply for jobs or to keep them? Do you find it challenging to navigate social situations? You are not alone! LDATD’s adult programs and services help many adults with learning disabilities or AD(H)D in the Greater Toronto Area.

This support group is open to adults who have or think they have a Learning Disability or AD(H)D. The gathering meets every other week on Monday evenings at the LDA Toronto office. Our meetings provide a place for open discussions, problem-solving and support. Topics covered include employment issues, social skills and life skills.

Program Goals

Our adult support groups strive to achieve the following goals:

  • Public awareness and education.
  • Resource counselling.
  • On-going adult support groups.
  • Direct service programs, workshops and seminars.
  • Provide information about learning disabilities.
  • Provide liaisons with community agencies.


The Adult Support Group program is free of cost and provides support to:

Adults who have or think they have a Learning Disability or AD(H)D.

Please be advised, prior to attending the group session, adults are required to participate in an intake meeting with our Program Coordinator, Sheron Royal-Campbell. To book an intake, please call our office at (416) 229-1680 or email [email protected].


For questions regarding program registration, dates, times, payments or all other inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto