Robbie Memorial Fund – Application Form – Child/Youth Assessment

The Robbie Shuttleworth Memorial Fund has been created by the Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District to provide funding for parents or guardians of children who require an Assessment.
Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District
Serving the amalgamated City of Toronto, the Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District (LDATD) is committed to the development of a community in which persons with Learning Disabilities (LDs) are enabled to successfully realize their full potential of their intellect and abilities. The LDATD’s mission is to act as a centre of excellence in the provision of education, advocacy, research and services to advance the full participation of children, youth, and adults with LDs in Toronto.
The Robbie Shuttleworth Memorial Fund is a critical element to LDATD in realizing this mission.
Do I Qualify for Funding?
“Learning Disabilities” refers to a variety of disorders that affect the acquisition, retention, understanding, organization or use of verbal and/or non-verbal information. These disorders result from impairments in one or more psychological processes related to learning, in combination with otherwise average abilities essential for thinking and reasoning. LDs are specific, not global impairments, and as such are distinct from intellectual disabilities.
To correctly understand if there is a Learning Disability at play in a person’s learning, a proper assessment must be conducted. This assessment can only be done by a qualified practitioner. Many times, the schools boards will provide this service free of charge however, the waitlist for service can be long and the need can be great. Therefore, many parents and adults turn to private practitioners for quicker answers. This can be costly.
If your child needs an assessment and you require financial assistance in retaining an assessment, the Robbie Shuttleworth Fund has been created to help.
Funding criteria have been established to evaluate requests submitted in an equitable and efficient
manner. However, priority will be given to families unable to afford participation and/or have children currently on the waiting list for the TDSB/TCDSB psychologist. Please submit a completed application form to the Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, 121 Willowdale Ave. Suite 103, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 6A3, call 416.229.1680, email to [email protected] or fax to 416.229.1681.
Note: The application must be completed in full. Only completed applications with the requested documentation will be considered. Incomplete applications will be returned unprocessed.
Eligibility Criteria (Please read carefully)
- Applicants for the Robbie Shuttleworth Memorial Fund must be a City of Toronto resident.
- The child undergoing the assessment must be over 6 years of age.
- The Applicant/family is encouraged to volunteer and support the LDATD.
- The Fund is meant to support families who are unable to afford to pay for the assessment due to financial constraints. Constraints that are either prohibiting or significantly hampering the Applicant’s financial wherewithal to afford an assessment should be described in detail.
- Provide documentation confirming that the household gross income of the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s) and their respective spouse / common law partner.
- There is a maximum of one grant to any one individual lifetime. Priority will be given to first time Applicants as well as those Applicants whose children are currently on wait lists for TDSB psychological assessments.
- Groups may apply on behalf of individuals within their organization.
- Although the LDATD Board of Directors will consider exceptions, a maximum grant up to $1800.00 for an individual will be considered.
- Applicants must provide an invoice or estimate (verification of amount that assessment will cost) with their application for each recipient. Once an application is approved, payment will be made to the organization/vendor that provided an invoice. Reimbursements are not part of this funding program.
Note: While the eligibility criteria and applications forms below have been developed as guidelines. Unique circumstances will be considered by the Board of Directors on an individual basis.
All groups or individuals applying for a grant must provide a completed grant application.
The Board of Directors will review all applications and the Board of Director’s decision is final. Distribution of funds will be through the LDATD Board of Directors executive council and the Executive Director.
Subsidies – Application Form
Complete the following form and submit proof of family income for the previous year. Applications without proof of family income will not be considered.
Acceptable forms of proof of income:
- Previous Year’s Financial Notice (Notice of Assessment from CRA)
- T4’s
- Financial Letters(from OW; ODSP; Service Canada; EI)
The application acknowledges that if funding is provided, an evaluation of the success of the funding will be required.
I certify that the information provided in this application is true, correct and complete to the best of my ability and the LD assessment has not been conducted.
- Please review the application form to ensure all information and supporting documentation is provided.
- If any information is missing, the application will be returned for completion, resulting in a delay in processing your request.
- Ensure to keep a copy for your records.